How To Apply Lessons in Survival to your Daily Life

How To Apply Lessons in Survival to your Daily Life
There's so many things you need to consider as a survivalist, and many of them are major decisions. Like installing solar panels on your roof. Or setting up a rain catchment system. These are big considerations to make, that cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars. And then some. Our bug out location started as a simple project on a bit of land, and this spiraled out of control as we constantly added bigger and bigger upgrades. To me, these things are a necessity. But there's a few things you can do in your daily life that will better prepare you should a disaster hit. And that's what counts.

Never let your gas run down

It doesn't matter how perfectly you've packed your bug-out-bag, if you've not got the ability to actually get anywhere because your car is running on fumes you'll be in trouble. Always keep your gas tank above half-full. Yes, it does mean you'll waste a little more time stopping to get gas, but there's one huge advantage. If you do need to flee, you're able to get at least a couple of hundred miles away without a second's thought.

Keep your phone charged

Smartphones have quickly become ingrained in our lives, and they make everything so much easier. From ordering food to catching a ride. When your battery dies, it's a disaster. I've made a point to have a charger handy at all times. If I'm in my car, at the office, or anywhere out and about, I know it's got enough life to stay connected with my family and loved ones. I usually also carry a battery pack, which will fully recharge my iPhone 7 twice. There's no excuse to lose one of the best sources of information you've got because of a low battery.

Be ready to bug out

Speed is your biggest ally in a disaster, as the faster you can get moving the better. You'll be ahead of the crowds of unprepared civilians, who spent hours at home packing everything they could grab into their SUVs. Make it a habit to prepare two things. A bug out bag for your car, along with an everyday carry you can take to school or work or whatever. And these don't need to be too crazy. A change of clothes, a pair of decent shoes, and a handful of tools and energy bars can go a long way in a crisis.

Keep a little cash handy

I'm all for cards, and I try to put every purchase I make on my credit card (to rack up the points). But as soon as the systems go down, you need a backup plan. You need cash. I always carry a hundred bucks or so on me, but there's a few hidden stashes I can tap if need be. There's another greenback slipped into the space behind my phone and its case, another $300 hidden wrapped inside a pen in my car, and of course a safe with a bunch more at home. It's not that I don't trust the banks. I do. The vast majority of my funds are securely held across a couple of different banks. But if they go down I'd like to still be able to access my cash in a pinch.

Remember to stay sanitary

It's common sense, and I'm sure all of you wash our hands. But be honest with me. When did you last give your hands a proper wash? The kind of wash you see the doctors on TV do, where they spend 10 to 20 seconds scrubbing under their nails and making sure all the germs are dead. Right? Good sanitation is one of the best ways you can fight against germs and other diseases, so make a habit of washing your hands (properly mind you) every time you've been out in public, and before you eat anything. You'll get sick far less.

Practice situational awareness

I'm not one to shy away from public places "just in case," but it goes without saying that the world we live in is slowly getting worse. Mass shootings, terror attacks and worse, one tactic you can actively work on is called situational awareness. The idea is simple, instead of getting lost in your phone when you're out in public, keep your head up and pay attention. Look for suspicious people, objects that are out of place, and plan where you'll run if the SHTF. Just this simple act of thinking about it will give you the edge should something actually happen.

Learn to be a defensive driver

The final point is one risk we put ourselves in every day. The roads. Sitting in a giant hunk of metal with the only protection against other cars a few lines painted on the road. It's not something we often think about, but a crash could happen to the best of us. So, take a few classes on defensive driving, and never let yourself get distracted behind the wheel. Answering a call, or losing concentration is the first step, your goal here is to never let yourself get in a dangerous situation behind the wheel. Knowing how to regain control if you slide out, or how to escape someone following you may just save your life. There's so much more to being a survivalist than the big-ticket items we all love to brag about. But actually, putting into practice, real lessons in survival, is more than common sense. It's a way of live that ensures we're always ready, no matter what.

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